Friday, August 01, 2003

building something out of nothing
building nothing out of something?

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

last night i had a somewhat frightening dream. i dont remember most of it very clearly. what stands out is that there was a man dressed up, moving around. i knew he was a marionette, and, when i looked, i could see the strings. he was being pulled. whoever was controlling him spun the strings around his neck & moved him to where he would step off & hang himself. several of us watched in horror. he stepped off the edge, then dangled in the air, dead. then the dream rewound somehow, & the marionette was just dancing, spinning, overcoming any problems & taking control. i dont really know whether there was any meaning in that, or it was just leftover imagery from my subconscious.

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

she used to but not anymore & i wonder about the way people spend their first few years trying to lose their innocence & the rest of their lives trying to get it back.