driving home in a fog, what a different perspective. i kept thinking i was somehow lost, i had somehow gone to far...the result of only being able to see a very limited area...everything was fragmented, and in seeing the fragments separate from the whole, things became confused and new.
i wrote a song on the piano the other night...partially inspired by cs lewis's 'the great divorce', and partially inspired by a fierce hatred for things that seem to be corrupting everything and everyone i know [including myself]. it's almost apocalyptic, and the rest of the band saw it as such, as well. we have all sorts of ideas of how and where to take it, and i am quite excited to see the progression.
lyrics -
if this wont be the death of you
it will be something with a prettier smile
and sharper teeth.
read me read me
can you read me
there are words beneath my flesh and bones
pushing up through my skin like braille
put your fingers on my skin.
language fails - it's wearing thin
"there is no meantime.
all that is over.
we are not playing now."
heaven in view, hell at our backs.
there is something more something more something more something more something something something